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Selfie Dysmorphia

Social Media Filters and Going Under the Knife

The desire for perfection has taken a new form – a phenomenon known as ‘selfie dysmorphia.’ This evolving trend is driving individuals to seek facial surgery to attain the edited and filtered versions of themselves seen on popular platforms like TikTok and Instagram. As technology influences beauty standards, the line between reality and virtual ideals becomes increasingly blurred, prompting questions about the impact on mental health and self-perception.


Selfie dysmorphia, a term coined to describe the trend of people seeking cosmetic procedures to look like their digitally altered selfies, has gained traction in recent years. There are psychological aspects behind this phenomenon, namely that individuals are increasingly dissatisfied with their natural appearance due to the prevalence of filtered images on social media platforms. Users are drawn to these enhanced, edited versions of themselves, creating a standard that may be unattainable without the aid of surgical procedures.

 Statistics shed light on the growing correlation between selfie dysmorphia and facial surgeries. According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), 72% of facial plastic surgeons reported an increase in cosmetic surgery or injectables among patients under 30. These numbers indicate a significant rise in younger individuals seeking facial enhancements, potentially driven by a desire to emulate their digitally perfected selfies.


In an article by The Guardian, Dr. Tijion Esho, a leading cosmetic doctor, states, "Social media is a driving factor in the increase in facial surgical and non-surgical procedures. The current generation places a high value on appearance and image, and the rise of 'selfie dysmorphia' is a testament to that." Dr. Michelle Hure, a New York-based plastic surgeon, echoes these sentiments in a NowThisNews article, saying, "I've had many patients come in with filters on their phones and selfies saying, 'I want to look like this.'"


The psychological toll of selfie dysmorphia is a growing concern. Dr. Esho emphasises the need for mental health support alongside cosmetic procedures, stating, "There needs to be more recognition that many patients need to be better prepared mentally for surgery. There should be a synergy between mental health practitioners and aesthetic practitioners."

Experts warn that unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by social media can lead to body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition characterised by an obsessive focus on perceived flaws in appearance. The pressure to conform to filtered images may contribute to heightened anxiety and dissatisfaction with one's natural appearance.


As technology continues to play a pivotal role in shaping societal ideals of beauty, the question arises: How do we strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and fostering a healthy body image? The boundary between digital enhancements and surgical alterations is becoming increasingly blurred. The online version of person and the real-life version of a person are becoming gradually polarised, both in looks and in personality. The future of fashion is navigating these dual personalities in a healthy way.


The phenomenon of selfie dysmorphia and its connection to the surge in facial surgeries underscores the impact of social media on contemporary beauty standards. The statistics and expert quotes highlight a concerning trend that demands a nuanced approach – one that considers not only the physical implications of cosmetic procedures but also the mental health of individuals influenced by digital filters and augmented realities.


It is imperative for society to engage in conversations that address the broader implications of these technological shifts on our perception of beauty and self-worth. As individuals strive to meet the standards set by digitally altered images, the consequences on mental health and well-being should not be overlooked. Balancing the pursuit of aesthetic ideals with a realistic understanding of self is crucial for a healthier and more inclusive societal perspective on beauty.

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