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Unveiling the Truth: Domestic Abuse Among Black Women in the UK

Updated: Mar 18

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Unveiling the Truth: Domestic Abuse Among Black Women in the UK

Domestic abuse is a grave issue that affects individuals across diverse demographics, impacting women from various racial backgrounds and social context. In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of domestic abuse among Black women is a concerning reality that demands attention and action. This blog sheds light on the sobering statistics surrounding domestic abuse within the Black community in the UK, aiming to raise awareness and promote meaningful conversations about this critical issue.

  1. The Prevalence of Domestic Abuse:

Let’s start by asking what is domestic abuse? According to Refuge Domestic abuse (DA): a term used to define physical, emotional, psychological, economic, tech, and/or sexual abuse from an intimate partner or between people who are personally connected. Although DA can be perpetrated by anyone against anyone, it is much more commonly perpetrated by men against women. New data from Refuge, the UK’s largest single provider of domestic abuse services, shows that Black women are less likely to be referred by police to Refuge for support. The abuse statistics of Black women who are being abused within private relationships is through the roof.

Black survivors were 3% more likely to report the abuse they experienced to the police than white survivors of domestic abuse, over the same period. This data suggests that the police are routinely failing Black women. By not referring them to specialist domestic abuse services, the police are effectively cutting Black women off from a lifeline that is crucial for their safety. Refuge, a frontline organisation, which supports more than 7,000 women and children on any given day knows just how important access to frontline services is for women experiencing domestic abuse.

According to a report by the Office for National Statistics, Black women are more likely to experience domestic abuse than women from any other ethnic group in England and Wales.

The same report found that Black women are more likely to experience repeat victimization, with 35% of Black women who experience domestic abuse experiencing it more than once, compared to 26% of white women. Black women are also more likely to experience severe forms of abuse, such as strangulation, suffocation, and threats with a weapon. These statistics are alarming and highlight the urgent need for action to address domestic abuse against Black women in the UK. However, it is important to note that these statistics may not fully capture the extent of the issue. Domestic abuse is often underreported, and Black women may be even less likely to report their experiences due to cultural norms and a lack of trust in authorities.

Theoretical Frameworks

While studies of women on colour, specifically, and domestic abuse isn’t wide ranged, there are many theoretical frameworks which speak on intersectionality and women who face different challenges throughout all aspects of life. Crenshaw originally introduced the concept in 1989 in a legal context to explain the inadequacies of anti-discrimination laws in the US when applied to the experiences of African American women. The central tenet is that racism and sexism are inextricably linked, and one cannot be experienced or judged without the other (Crenshaw, 1989).

Studies have also found that racialised PSH is or can be dependent on both location and the race of their harasser (Fogg-Davis, 2006). Participants in Logan’s 2006 study mentioned that they were treated differently depending on whether their harasser shared their ethnicity or not. Some of Logan’s participants understood this to be, among other things, a function of differing beauty standards. One African American participant, for example, noted that, while she received punitive comments from white harassers relating to her weight, she received far more sexually inviting harassment from African- American men. The more the African American women 24% of the demographic.

In the context of domestic abuse among Black women in the UK, intersectionality underscores how race, gender, and other factors such as socioeconomic status and immigration status intersect to shape experiences of violence. Reference: Crenshaw, K. (1991)

  1. Impact on Black Women:

Black women often experience domestic abuse within a broader backdrop of societal inequalities and systemic racism. These factors can exacerbate the challenges they face when attempting to escape abusive situations or access the necessary support services. In fact, Black women who face domestic abuse, particularly at the hands of Black partners, often face unique challenges in seeking help and finding support. This is because many Black women feel that they cannot speak out about the abuse they are experiencing due to cultural norms and stigmas surrounding domestic violence. For many Black women in the UK, there is a sense of isolation and a lack of trust in authorities when it comes to seeking help for domestic abuse. This is largely due to the perception that domestic abuse is a private matter that should be kept within the family, rather than being reported to outside authorities. This can be compounded by cultural norms that place a high value on keeping the family together, even if it means tolerating abuse. In addition to these cultural barriers, they may also face additional challenges when seeking help due to systemic racism and discrimination. This can include a lack of culturally sensitive services, biases among healthcare professionals, and a lack of understanding of the unique challenges that Black women may face when experiencing domestic abuse.

For example, a Black woman who has experienced domestic abuse may not feel comfortable seeking help from a healthcare professional who does not understand her cultural background. This can lead to a lack of trust and a reluctance to seek help in the future. Similarly, a Black woman may be hesitant to seek help from the police or other authorities if she has experienced discrimination in the past.

It is important for society to recognize the impact of domestic abuse on Black women and to provide them with the support and resources they need to seek safety and heal. This includes culturally appropriate services, accessible resources, and a greater understanding of the unique challenges that Black women may face when experiencing domestic abuse. By providing support and resources that are tailored to the needs of Black women, we can help to break down the barriers that prevent them from seeking help and finding safety. This requires a commitment from all of us to recognize the importance of addressing domestic abuse in all its forms and to work towards a society that is safe and supportive for all women, regardless of their race or background.

3. Reporting and Seeking Help:

Unfortunately, Black women might be less likely to report incidents of domestic abuse due to fears of not being believed or concerns about the potential repercussions, which can further perpetuate the cycle of abuse. Culturally sensitive and trauma-informed support systems are crucial in providing a safe space for these women to share their experiences and seek help.

There are a multiple number of resources that are available, starting with OURSTREETSNOW. Here are a list of relevant resources and contacts: - 0808 2000 247 - 0800 731 8147 - 020 7582 7438 - 01823 334 244

4. Barriers to Support:

Language barriers, immigration status, and lack of cultural competence within support services can create significant hurdles for women trying to escape abusive environments. Addressing these barriers is essential to ensure that every woman has equal access to safety and support. Culturally appropriate services are essential for addressing domestic abuse against Black women. These services should consider the specific cultural norms and experiences of Black women and should be designed to be accessible and welcoming. For example, services may need to be offered in multiple languages, and may need to be staffed by people who understand the cultural norms and experiences of Black women. Increasing understanding of the unique challenges that Black women face when experiencing domestic abuse is also essential. This includes educating healthcare professionals, law enforcement, and other service providers about the specific needs and experiences of Black women. It also means addressing systemic racism and discrimination that can make it harder for Black women to seek help and find support.

5. Raising Awareness and Breaking the Silence:

Raising awareness is a crucial step in dismantling the stigma surrounding this issue. Open conversations within families, communities, and society at large can help break the silence and encourage survivors to come forward. As individuals, we can also play a role in addressing domestic abuse against Black women. This includes learning about the signs of domestic abuse, supporting and believing survivors, and speaking out against all forms of violence and discrimination. We must work together to end domestic abuse and create a society where all women are safe and supported.

In conclusion, the statistics on domestic abuse against Black women in the UK paint a grim picture of the challenges faced by this group. However, by providing culturally appropriate services, increasing understanding of the unique challenges faced by Black women, and working towards a society that is safe and supportive for all women, we can begin to address this issue and support survivors of domestic abuse.


Crenshaw, K. (1991). Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Colour. *Stanford Law Review, 43*(6), 1241-1299.

Crenshaw, K., Gotanda, N., Peller, G., & Thomas, K. (Eds.). (1995). *Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement*. (“Critical Race Theory : The Key Writings that Formed the Movement”) The New Press.

Hooks, b. (1981). *Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism*. South End Press.

Kearl, H. (2010). "Stop street harassment: Making public places safe and welcoming for women." (“Books | Stop Street Harassment”) ABC-CLIO.

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Office for National Statistics. (2019). Domestic abuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2018. Retrieved from

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